Latest News

November 1, 2017

Partnership for the Public Good Publishes a New Policy Brief, "Taking the High Road to Canalside: How Community Activism Has Shaped Buffalo’s Waterfront"

"Taking the High Road to Canalside: How Community Activism Has Shaped Buffalo's Waterfront" documents the efforts of local advocates to bring “High Road” economic development to Canalside, to advance community benefits over corporate control. It was drafted by Michelle Zhao, the 2017 …

October 18, 2017

People Power: Joining Forces to Address Gentrification in Buffalo

“Gentrification is a profit-driven race and class remake of urban, working class communities of color that have suffered from a history of disinvestment and abandonment,” said Dawn Philips, Executive Director of Right to the City Alliance at the Anti-Gentrification Summit convened in …

October 11, 2017

PPG Featured on "Keeping Things Alive" Podcast

Keep your eyes peeled for Sam Magavern's appearance on Keeping Things Alive, a podcast by Buffalo-based natural resources policy advocate Laura Evans. Sam will discuss Partnership for the Public Good's history, principles, and current agenda - focusing on climate justice and "keeping things …

October 5, 2017

"County’s new hiring policy will ease poverty, inequality" - Letter in the Buffalo News

"People who live in high poverty ZIP codes – urban, suburban or rural – face many disadvantages. Some employers screen by ZIP codes, while others fall prey to racial prejudices. Areas of concentrated poverty often lack the social networks and connections that lead to quality jobs. First …

September 29, 2017

"Contractor to pay workers restitution for violating wage ordinance" - Policy Win in the Buffalo News

"Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman's office began an investigation after the Buffalo Living Wage Commission determined in July 2016 that Allied was not in compliance with the city ordinance that requires contractors to pay a living wage to specific groups of employees, including in waste …

August 18, 2017

David Robinson: To grow jobs, Buffalo needs to be cool

“You have the nationwide phenomenon of people starting to like cities again,” said Sam Magavern, the executive director of the Partnership for the Public Good. For the Buffalo Niagara region to grow faster, it will have to get people in other parts of the country to start liking it, too.

July 12, 2017

Hurdles ahead for Metro Rail extension

A recent report by the Partnership for the Public Good found that 58 percent of jobs in the region are inaccessible by public transit; the extension would improve that by connecting two major employment centers, downtown and the area around UB and Niagara Falls Boulevard in Amherst.

June 29, 2017

New Report on PUSH Buffalo’s Green Development Zone

PUSH Buffalo’s Green Development Zone has won an international award and other acclaim for revitalizing a neighborhood with a unique blend of community organizing, policy advocacy, workforce development, green housing, and vacant lot renewal. In PPG’s latest report, we offer a detailed …

June 28, 2017

Working Toward Equality: Employment and Race in Buffalo Update

On Thursday, July 6th at 4:00PM in the Auditorium of the Merriweather Library, the PPG is planning a press conference to announce an update to the Jobs and Equality Report sponsored by WNYALF, NYS AFL-CIO, CBTU, NAACP, Concerned Clergy, Baptist Ministers, LCLAA, and National Urban League, regarding …

March 31, 2017

PPG Seeks Donations for May Day Event

In today’s political climate, it is increasingly critical that we come to together to celebrate our shared vision for a just and vibrant economy. Our new economy must be founded on workers’ rights, responsible management of resources, democratic decision-making, sacredness, the arts, …

March 14, 2017

PPG Seeks Volunteers to Teach Financial Literacy Services

Among its many other roles, PPG offers financial literacy services to its partners and their clients. These services are a mixes of classes, small group presentations, and one-on-one discussions. In order to make this program a success, PPG needs volunteers like you to provide financial