The city of Buffalo has been selected for PolicyLink’s All-In Cities Anti-Displacement Network. It is a network of local elected officials, city staff, and community leaders from 10 cities that will advance a range of strategies to prevent displacement of low-income residents and …
Jalonda Hill joined us in January as our new Communications and Outreach Specialist, through the Americorps Economic Development Corps program. She is also the founder of Colored Girls Bike Too, our newest partner initiative.
Following advocacy by the Open Buffalo Justice and Opportunity Coalition and Partnership for the Public Good, the Buffalo Common Council has created a Community Advisory Body on Police Oversight, as reported in the Buffalo News this week.
PPG has released a fact sheet summarizing the available history of Indigenous people in what is now known as Western New York and providing information on the contemporary state of Haudenosaunee communities. Intended to shed light on an often overlooked history, it includes demographic, economic, …
This policy brief offers national and local information about people who lack bank accounts and describes some of the impacts of being “unbanked,” including reliance on exploitative services such as check cashing, rent to own stores, and pawn shops. It was drafted by was drafted by …
PPG’s Buffalo Briefs are the best place to go when you need the most important data for local trends and issues. We’ve recently updated the briefs on poverty in Buffalo-Niagara and immigrants, refugees, and languages spoken in Buffalo. You can find them here: Immigrants, Refugees, …
We recognize the disbanding of the Strike Force as a major reform. We renew our call for three additional reforms critical to better policing in the City of Buffalo: expanded and mandatory community policing, disbanding of the housing unit, and an end to arrests for marijuana possession.
“They were started to be tough on crime and we know that’s coded language for policing black and brown neighborhoods,” said Natasha Soto, a co-founder of Just Resisting, a racial and criminal justice group that promotes the empowerment of people of color.
Buffalo's living wage ordinance applies whenever the city makes a contract for services in which it pays or receives more than $50,000 per year with an employer who employs more than ten people.
"Allentown property values have doubled in the last six years, according to the Allentown Association. That’s going to have a significant impact on the wallets of a lot of people."
"Allentown property values have doubled in the last six years, according to the Allentown Association. That’s going to have a significant impact on the wallets of a lot of people."
"A 2016 survey by the Partnership for the Public Good found that only 44% of black respondents in Buffalo reported that they would trust the police in an emergency."