PPG’s 2018 report Cruelty and Cost: Money Bail in Buffalo highlights the adverse impacts of setting money bail. It emphasizes there has been no connection found between an amount of money and a person’s likelihood of appearing in court of avoiding illegal activity while on release. It …
PPG’s 2018 report Cruelty and Cost: Money Bail in Buffalo highlights the adverse impacts of setting money bail. It emphasizes there has been no connection found between an amount of money and a person’s likelihood of appearing in court of avoiding illegal activity while on release. It …
PPG’s 2018 report Cruelty and Cost: Money Bail in Buffalo highlights the adverse impacts of setting money bail. It emphasizes there has been no connection found between an amount of money and a person’s likelihood of appearing in court of avoiding illegal activity while on release. It …
PPG’s 2018 report Cruelty and Cost: Money Bail in Buffalo highlights the adverse impacts of setting money bail. It emphasizes there has been no connection found between an amount of money and a person’s likelihood of appearing in court of avoiding illegal activity while on release. It …
Join us on The Public Good. This week, PPG team members Miles Gresham, Colleen Kristich, Tanvier Peart and Sarah Wooton join us to preview PPG's 2022 Community Agenda. Our partners will gather on Thursday, January 13 to unveil their top policy change priorities for the year head. We discuss some of …
Register here for the Zoom event: https://bit.ly/3qPH7Uv
Register here: https://bit.ly/3cjB1TN For many, the apparent inability to discipline or fire police officers with records of misconduct has been a major obstacle to criminal justice reform. However, both court decisions and Buffalo’s legislative history grant the City of Buffalo the authority …
Register here: https://bit.ly/3cjB1TN For many, the apparent inability to discipline or fire police officers with records of misconduct has been a major obstacle to criminal justice reform. However, both court decisions and Buffalo’s legislative history grant the City of Buffalo the authority …
Register here: https://bit.ly/3cjB1TN For many, the apparent inability to discipline or fire police officers with records of misconduct has been a major obstacle to criminal justice reform. However, both court decisions and Buffalo’s legislative history grant the City of Buffalo the authority …
Join us on The Public Good! This week our guest is PPG Policy Fellow Miles Gresham, Esq. discusses his policy brief, "The City of Buffalo's Untapped Power to Discipline Police Officers." This report examines the history of police discipline provisions in Buffalo city charters and calls on the City …