Events Take Action


Buffalo Humanities Festival’s “2019: Democracy”: David Castillo on The Public GoodSeptember 17, 2019, 10-10:30 pm

Andrea Ó Súilleabháin

Join us on The Public Good this week! We’ll hear from David Castillo, Director of the University at Buffalo Humanities Institute, a multidisciplinary center established by the College of Arts and Sciences to promote innovative teaching, research, and programs in the humanities. He’ll be …

The Battle for Land and the Future of the Post-Industrial City: Workshop 1September 11, 2019, 4-6 pm

Aaron Bartley

Free and open to the public. This is the first of a 4-part workshop series on land, gentrification and community-controlled development starting 9/11 and running through 10/2. Attendance at all four workshops is not required, but it is encouraged. Register by emailing …

Western New York Harm Reduction: Emma Fabian on The Public GoodSeptember 10, 2019, 10-10:30 pm

Andrea Ó Súilleabháin

Join us on The Public Good this week! We’ll hear from Emma Fabian, Senior Director of Harm Reduction at Evergreen Health. She’ll be discussing the second WNY Harm Reduction Conference, an opportunity to continue the examination of the impacts of drugs in our area and how professionals …

Cooperation Buffalo and The Rose Garden: Andrew Delmonte on The Public GoodAugust 27, 2019, 10-10:30 pm

Andrea Ó Súilleabháin

Join us on The Public Good this week! We'll hear from Andrew Delmonte, Director of Cooperative Development at Cooperation Buffalo. They'll be discussing what Cooperation Buffalo does, the Rose Garden Early Childhood Center and its teacher-owners, as well as the upcoming Cooperative …

Open Buffalo and the Justice Leadership Institute: Leah Daniel and Max Anderson on The Public GoodAugust 20, 2019, 10-10:30 pm

Andrea Ó Súilleabháin

Join us on The Public Good this week! We'll hear from Leah Daniel, Leadership Development Director, and Max Anderson, Deputy Director, at Open Buffalo. They'll be discussing the first annual Justice Leadership Institute and other projects Open Buffalo is working on. 

Census 2020 Workshops: Achieving a Complete CountAugust 14, 2019, 5:30-6:30 pm

Partnership for the Public Good

Census data affects funding for services and programs across healthcare, education, housing, transportation and more. Neighborhoods where individuals are "undercounted" can lose resources, programs, and political representation. How can your organization or group take action on Census 2020? What …

Legacy of Lead: Maria Ta and Orlando Dickson on The Public GoodAugust 13, 2019, 10-10:30 pm

Andrea Ó Súilleabháin

Join us on The Public Good this week! We'll hear from Maria Ta, Program Manager at Ujima Company, and Orlando Dickson, Civic Educator at Partnership for the Public Good. They'll be discussing the collaborative project "Legacy of Lead," a short play that shares a day in the life of a single mom with …

August 13, 2019, 1-1:30 pm

The Art of Social Change: Power and Belonging from Belfast to Buffalo - A Conversation with Pádraig Ó Tuama and Lorna HillAugust 8, 2019, 1-2:45 pm

Pádraig Ó Tuama and Lorna Hill

The Art of Social Change: Power and Belonging from Belfast to Buffalo A Conversation with Pádraig Ó Tuama and Lorna Hill August 8, 2019, 1-2:30pm Lunch will be provided at 12:45pm sharp (no food in the gallery) from our friend at Breadhive. Be sure to RSVP by emailing …

Census 2020 Workshops: Achieving a Complete CountJuly 31, 2019, 12:30-2 pm

Partnership for the Public Good

Census data affects funding for services and programs across healthcare, education, housing, transportation and more. Neighborhoods where individuals are "undercounted" can lose resources, programs, and political representation. How can your organization or group take action on Census 2020? What …