Join us on The Public Good! We'll be learning about the process of participatory budgeting (PB) and how it can increase democratic participation in funding decisions by local entities including government. Our guests are Kathryn Franco from Buffalo Niagara Community Reinvestment Coalition and …
Michael Martin, Onondaga, Beaver Clan and Executive Director of Native American Community Services of Erie and Niagara Counties will explore universal principles of a “Good Mind” and the relationship between our minds to our thoughts, behaviors and well-being. Related aspects of the …
Join us on The Public Good! The City of Buffalo announced a proposed 3-year contract with SAS Institute to create a data analytics center and “use predictive modeling to determine best practices,” with “police training and practices” as the first use of the technology. On …
Join us on The Public Good! This week's show continues our series on police reform. We talk with PPG staff members Tanvier Peart, Colleen Kristich, and Orlando Dickson all of whom work on issues of police reform for PPG and individually participate in the work of Buffalo Police Advisory …
Join us on The Public Good! We'll be joined by one of our partner organizations, Stitch Buffalo, an inclusive space for Refugee and Immigrant women to create handcrafted goods and find economic empowerment; a textile art center for community members to gain and share skills in the textile …
Join us on The Public Good! On this week's radio show, we discuss advocacy to pass a county-wide language access law in Erie County. Listen in to learn what language access is and how we can ensure that language is not a barrier to residents' receiving public services or participating fully in …
The New York Coalition For Open Government is sponsoring a training session on New York's Freedom of Information Law on Friday September 25th, at 10:00 am via Zoom.
This year, the Language Access Working Group is advocating for a county-wide law to expand language access in Erie County. This will ensure that all residents of Erie County have equal access to medical care, government services, civic participation, education and training, jobs, and public safety …
A conversation with Buffalo, Erie County, NY Renews, and the Youth Climate Council, sponsored by the Western New York Environmental Alliance.
Join us on The Public Good! This Tuesday PUSH Green and PPG staff discuss the initial research of an ongoing evaluation of the PUSH Green home weatherization program. They have interviewed over 40 former PUSH Green participants to assess how the program, which makes homes more efficient and safe …