Events Take Action

McCarley Gardens: Kelly Camacho and Dennice Barr on The Public Good

Presenter(s): Dejia James
Date: May 16, 2023, 10:30-11 am

In February 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced a $57 million commitment to upgrading McCarley Gardens, an affordable housing development just south of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. However, renovations did not go as expected for residents. Residents shared various concerns, including poor communication about renovation timelines, unsafe environments such as hanging electrical wires and non-fenced-in building materials, and losing heat and electricity for extended periods. Due to improper construction, other residents have experienced property damage, including rodent and insect infestation.

On this week's episode of The Public Good, Kelly Camacho, Community Organizer at Citizen Action, and Dennice Barr, activist, Fruit Belt Advisory Council president, and community liaison, explain what’s happening at McCarley Gardens. They dive deeper into resident concerns, their work organizing residents, and what should happen next so residents are guaranteed a safe place to live.