Buffalo Commons

Researcher Directory Library

Anna Blatto

Staff Member

Research Associate

Anna Blatto

Anna Blatto is a recent graduate of the University at Buffalo with degrees in Sociology and Urban and Public Policy. She spent much of her 2017-2018 senior year interning with PPG, the work of which resulted in a publication on the history and manifestations of segregation in Buffalo. She continued her work at PPG in her expanded role of AmeriCorps Communications and Research Fellow through July 2019 and now serves as a part-time research associate. 

Anna supports a variety of PPG's work through research, writing, social media and design, web admin, and technology management. Her most recent research centers around water equity and justice. Her research focuses include social equity and justice, racial and spatial segregation, neighborhood effects, affordable housing, transportation, and their relationships with social and urban public policy. 

Related Resources

On the Edge of Abundance: Water Affordability and Equity in Buffalo
Western New York Census Toolkit
Poverty and Disparities in Niagara County
Census 2020: Making Western New York Count
A City Divided: A Brief History of Segregation in Buffalo