Buffalo Commons

Researcher Directory Library

Explore the directory of researchers, both in and out of academia, who do research focused on the Buffalo and WNY region. If you would like to be added or if if you have any edits to your profile, please reach out to Keelan Erhard, keelan@ppgbuffalo.org.

Gin Armstrong
Teresa Bosch De Celis
Kathryn Bryk Friedman
Brian Conley
Catherine N. Dulmus
Art Giacalone
Alex Judelsohn
Katarzyna (Kasia) Kordas
Eric Krieg
Nicholas Lustig
Sam Magavern
Ryan McPherson
Kevin Meindl
Sara Metcalf
Jennifer Minner
Andrea Ó Súilleabháin
Samina Raja
Chris Renschler
Curtis Robbins
Sarah A. Robert
Teri Rueb
Lynda Schneekloth
Terrianne K. Schulte
Elizabeth Walsh
Marion Werner
Arthur Wheaton
Brenda Young