Buffalo Commons

Researcher Directory Library

Explore the directory of researchers, both in and out of academia, who do research focused on the Buffalo and WNY region. If you would like to be added or if if you have any edits to your profile, please reach out to Keelan Erhard, keelan@ppgbuffalo.org.

Jaison Abel
Robert Adelman
Anthony Armstrong
Larry Brooks
Daniel Cadzow
Richard Deitz
Alan Delmerico
Sharon Ana Entress
Bruce Fisher
Lou Jean Fleron
Lawrence Flood
Fred Floss
William Ganley
Art Giacalone
Julie Anna Golebiewski
Keith Griffler
Jonathan Hastings
Curtis Haynes, Jr.
Daniel B. Hess
Bradshaw Hovey
Aaron Krolikowski
Nicholas Lustig
Sam Magavern
Wende A. Mix
Brenda Moore
George Palumbo
Michael Pendleton
Laural Quebral
Gail Radford
Sarah Richards-Desai, PhD, MSW
Curtis Robbins
Bart Roberts
Erin Robinson
Craig D. Rogers
Ted P. Schmidt
Robert Silverman
John Slenker
Paul Tesluk
Gary Welborne
Arthur Wheaton
Sarah Wooton
Mark Zaporowski